Gaming on Demand

Friday, March 04, 2016

Watch, review and learn from your replays.

This is the most basic guide on how you can review your game plays and  get better each game.

Have you ever experienced having the upper hand from early-mid game but suddenly at late game the tables turn and you lose? This is most commonly called as a comeback. Well if I were more knowledgeable a few years ago, I could've saved a lot of time getting to the my current skill level right now. Just by watching replays and basically applying what you've learned to improve your gameplay in accordance with your previous matches(even your Wins can have space for improvement and you would see opportunities that would have made you more dominative through out the game. Let's jump to the point where you can download your replays and review them shall we?

1) Launch or run DotA 2 on your pc/laptop 
and on the main landing page, 
Click on your profile.
2) Click that 'recent games' tab on the
right pane of your profile to view the
games you've most recently played.

3) Click on the match you want to review.
4) Click the 'Download Replay' button.

6) Click on watch replay and be observant
look for mistakes and opportunities to
improve your game. Learn from the
enemies moves.

5) Be patient Downloading may take time
depending on your Internet Speed.

Do this regularly and criticize every aspect of the game. Set your mind on what role you would focus on. Observe/watch games that you would notice a player was better than you and learn from their playstyle/moves. After watching replays try to adapt what you have learned and move-on. Don't ever stop learning even in games.


  1. This is very helpful

    1. Thats good! I will keep posting step-by-step guides like this so keep it up and subscribe for more great content.
